Wednesday, July 1, 2009

First Post!

So, thanks to stumbleupon for my newest obsession. I can stumble through only craft pages! I ran into a lot of different crafty blogs and I thought, hey! I can do that! So I'm challenging myself. One blog post a day, and each day I'll craft something! I haven't crafted anything today, but once I find my camera, I'll definitely start posting something every day.

I love crafting. The sad thing is, I always start a project, but then I put it aside, and I never finish it. With this blog, I'm hoping I can finish projects so I can post them!

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Emily.

I'm a student - and will probably stay a student for quite some time. I'm currently unemployed, and I'm on a crazy job hunt for a job I can have for after school hours.

I'm thinking about starting an etsy account, but I'm not sure what I would sell if I even wanted to sell. I think I'll just stick to making things for church craft fairs for now.

This is gonna be one interesting blog. I'm not really blog-savvy, so I'm learning what to put and what not to put. I'm open to all kinds of comments/criticism! Let me know what you would like to see! Anyway, TOMORROW is DAY ONE :D I'm searching for things to finish, so I can post!


  1. so exciting em! i'm subscribed so i'll be checking in everytime you post :) i LOVE THIS IDEA! you're so talented -- good luck!!!

  2. A stumbleupon addict, not adding her own page to stumble?? Don't worry, I did it for you. ^.~

  3. I think I should have added "brand new stumbleupon addict" haha! I wouldn't know how to add it anyway, so thanks! :D

  4. You can stumble just through craft pages? Whee, yay :D

    Am bookmarking you so I can follow too :)

  5. Great goals! My blog helps me to FINISH my crafts too ;) Good luck! Check out mine if you have time.


  6. Hello! I'm another Emily who loves to craft yet never finishes projects - so I am looking forward to reading your blog and seeing how you get on!

