Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day Twelve - The Notebook

As I grow older, I find it more and more interesting when I hear about people who journal. I used to keep a journal as an early teenager, but it was more of a "dear diary, (boy of the month) looked at me!". When I reached high school, I got a LiveJournal account, and that was - and still is - used as a way for me to gripe about things that go on in my life. To me, journals are so much more than that. Journals are for keepsakes, quotes, and whatever.

I've always fancied those nice leather-bound journals that I see in Barnes and Noble, but I don't really like the prices of them. So I made a journal of my own. It's just a simple composition book that I got at Staples, and I raided my mom's scrapbooking supplies to cover it. I haven't put anything in it yet, but I'm sure I'll find something.

I want the inside of my journal to be just as beautiful as the outside. I want to put quotes, doodles, musings, everything in this journal.

If I don't, it's destined for Biology notes!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day Eleven - Work In Progress Wednesday!

I have several squares that I've been working on lately. Some of them are finished, some are not. But they're all waiting to become one large throw blanket.

Please excuse the carpet. It's icky, I know. Also, I have yet to find my cable for my camera, so this is yet another cameraphone picture. Sorry!!

Most of the squares were made because I had the urge to knit, but I didn't want to commit myself to a large project like a sweater or whatever. Plus it's easier to explain when people ask "Oh wow! What are you knitting?" if you aren't knitting anything in particular. In a couple of days, I will be traveling to the mountains of NC to be in my cousin's wedding, and I figured I could add to my square collection while I'm in the car for 4 hours.

I've never knitted a quilt before, but I think it's kinda neat. I'd like to collect more patterns for different squares. Of course, they will all be different sizes, but that's okay. It gives it character! I think it would be a nice edition to a future home of mine. Now, I just have to find more colors to use. So far it's just blue, darker blue, grey, and brown. Any suggestions on how to make this blanket made of awesome?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day Ten - Make me up!

I still can't believe that it's August already. True, I've been a little out of commission for a few weeks, but still. It seems like just yesterday that I started my first semester at a different school.

A couple weeks ago, when I was buying my makeup for the show, I discovered that I didn't have anything to transport said makeup. Being the starving artist/college student that I am, I didn't want to pay anything for it, so I dug out my mother's sewing machine, and recycled an ugly garment bag to make this cute little bag!
I didn't measure it, I just kinda pinned it, and sewed it, so it's not straight by all means, but it's functional! I used it all week!

I kind of want to put some handles on it, but I don't know how I'd go about doing that.

I'm still trying to come up with something for the rest of the week, but I DEFINITELY will update!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Word to Your Mother Superior!

I'm the nun with the rosary around her neck.

I'm baaaaack!

The Sound of Music was an AMAZING experience. I met so many great people, and it was amazing to work along side some extremely talented actors, and it was an absolute joy to work under Richard Stafford, our incredible director. It was just an all-around great experience. If you're ever in North Carolina, you should try to catch a show with North Carolina Theatre and see some great local talent. You won't want to miss any of it!

Anyway, while I was gone, I made a couple things, found a bunch of tutorials, knitted a bit and thought of new and inspiring ways to update this thing. So over the next few days, bear with me as I get back to reality and try to update more on a regular basis. It's unfortunate that I couldn't keep up with it the way I wanted to, but I'm coming back whole-hog!

I promise I'll keep this thing updated!! :D

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Hi everyone!

I got a comment very recently about my lack of updating. Rehearsals have been getting pretty wild, and I usually never know when I'll be called in. It could be anywhere from 2pm to 8pm, and they all end around 10:30. And they're teaching me to dance. I'm not a dancer haha! And it tires me out!

Unfortunately, I don't have much time to do much else, so I'm trying to get all the "have to do" things done and out of the way before I get to my crafty things.

That, and my room is a mess - again - and I can't get to all my supplies.

BUT! I found my camera and the battery charger, so I can start posting some video tutorials for you! Also, the pictures would be of better quality, and I won't have to keep sending pictures from my phone to my email.

But yes, I will be posting soon. Yes, I am doing well. And yes, I miss updating!

I'll try and make up the last few craft days soon, I promise!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day Nine - GAHH!!! (Favorite Link Friday)

So, I can't for the life of me think of what to make, so I defaulted to something super easy.

A flower pen:

I still have an issue with finding things to make. I have a lot of ideas, and I have one set for Tutorial Tuesday, but that still leaves tomorrow and Sunday. I have rehearsals all day, and I probably won't be able to update until late (or really early, depending on when I feel like it haha!) The next couple of days, I'm going to be busy with all-day rehearsals, but my schedule gets a little less hectic with evening rehearsals. So I'm pretty sure I'll be able to update as usual, and I'm not using rehearsals as an excuse.

Today is Favorite Link Friday!! The other day, I went to the movies with my boy, and we saw the preview for Julie and Julia (or is it Julia and Julie?). It's about a woman who writes a book about following all of Julia Child's recipes every day for a year. So that kind of inspired me to follow all of Martha Stewart's crafts every day...

...I'm not Martha Stewart. But she does have some wonderful crafts that are absolutely gorgeous! She is definitely an inspiration to me, so that is why Martha Stewart is my pick for Favorite Link Friday!

Tonight, my brother (Eric the Coolest - he told me to say that) and I are planning on making cookies. Which is great! I could use a little sweetness in my diet. I haven't baked anything in a while.

Anyway, I'll close with an adorable sleeping kitty!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day Eight - Bumpron!

Every year in high school, I tried out for every musical my school put on. Unfortunately, I never made any of them. That never took away my love for the stage. So every year, I volunteered backstage. If I wasn't good enough to be on stage, I would be good enough backstage. Each year, I volunteered on the costume crew. I learned how to put costumes together, how to hem pants, and how to use a sewing machine.

I'm pretty sure that this experience was almost as cool as being in those costumes.

September last year, I made my first musical. North Carolina Theatre's Kids on Broadway production of Whistle Down The Wind (the other one, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber one). They needed "kids" that looked like adults. That, and it was my last year to audition.


I happened to mention to the costumer that I really enjoyed working with costumes, so at the end of the show's run, the producer came up to me and asked me if I would like to be a Wardrobe Intern for the next show, Phantom (the other, better one, not the Andrew Lloyd Webber one). Basically, I was a dresser. A dresser helps with quick changes, steams clothes, and has a ton of fun hanging up clothes and spraying vodka on the costumes!

I was also a dresser for Miss Saigon (my favorite show ever!). Both times, I didn't have an apron. I looked all over for a plain black apron. I found a humongous one, but it was a full apron, not a half apron.

So, I decided that for my next show, West Side Story, I would make a utility apron out of a pair of black pants!

It was really simple to do, all I did was cut it up, hem it around the edges, and used the waistband that was already there. And of course, I had to do a little embellishing!

Here's what it looks like:

I can't wait to be a dresser again! Of course, the next NCT show, I will be ON stage instead of BACKstage! My second show ever, but it's my first show I get paid for!

I'm glad I never gave up after being discouraged from the shows in high school!